If Adobe’s Content Credentials is the "nutrition label" for digital content, FileProtected Creative ID is the “ Ingredients label”

FileProtected goes beyond Adobe’s Content Credentials by documenting the entire creative process, protecting valuable IP, and offering a zero-fee marketplace for monetization. Blockchain verification ensures secure copyright for GenAI art, reducing legal risks for creators and buyers alike.

If Adobe’s Content Credentials is the "nutrition label" for digital content, FileProtected Creative ID is the “ Ingredients label”

Adobe’s Content Credentials (C2PA) is a valuable step forward in ensuring authenticity and transparency in the digital space, offering what can be seen as a "nutrition label" for generative AI content. These tools allow creators to add attribution, define usage rights, and track whether their content can be used for AI training. This enables both creators and viewers to understand the origins of digital work, the tools involved, and any modifications made along the way.

The Whole Recipe for Creation

At FileProtected, we build upon these efforts. If Adobe is the "nutrition label" for digital content, FileProtected Creative ID is the “ Ingredients label”—a comprehensive list of everything that went into the creation. Our Creative ID doesn't just verify the final product or track edits—we document everything that led to its creation—the sketches, experiments, emails exchanged, content-shared drawings, contracts, agreed-upon terms, collaborations, and every iteration of the creative process. By registering each step, FileProtected provides context that goes beyond finished work—we document how it was made, who was involved, and what was agreed upon at every stage. Along the way with any creative journey, there is a wealth of IP that also deserves to be registered and protected. We protect all the valuable ingredients of a creative journey that led to—and beyond—the final result. Yet, these crucial stages are often overlooked in traditional copyright registration.

This comprehensive audit trail offers creators and audiences an unparalleled level of transparency and protection, including how generative AI is used and whether it is available for AI training systems. Often, in legal disputes, the context around the content is just as important, if not more, than the content itself.

Transparency is Great, But What About Monetization?

While we share Adobe's commitment to transparency, FileProtected goes further by addressing a key challenge that Adobe's system doesn't fully solve—monetization. C2PA offers excellent tools for verifying content provenance, but FileProtected empowers creators to monetize their art more easily. Transparency is vital, but for most creators, the end goal is also to generate revenue. That’s why FileProtected not only helps creators verify their work but also enables them to monetize it through our “zero fee” marketplace. With blockchain-based registration and verification (without the need for tokens, digital wallets, or cryptocurrencies) and features like automatic Instagram registrations, registered emails, and content delivery and tracking, we make it easy for creators to protect, manage, and monetize their digital content.

In the evolving landscape of Generative AI (GenAI), providing evidence of human input is becoming crucial to qualify AI-assisted works for copyright. FileProtected ensures this critical transparency by documenting the role of the creator throughout the process, offering strong protection for AI-generated content. This not only helps artists secure copyright but also enables their GenAI works to be sold confidently with verified human authorship protection, helps mitigate potential legal risks for both the buyer and seller, making it easier for creators to monetize their work, reducing the fear of future disputes.

The Full Story: Capturing the Why, How, and With Whom

In essence, while Adobe captures what was created and edited, FileProtected documents the why, how, and with whom—offering a richer narrative around digital content creation. We complement Adobe's transparency efforts while adding essential tools to help creators turn their art into revenue. After all, transparency is crucial, but I’ve never met a creator who didn’t also want to monetize their art!

Join us at FileProtected.com today and take the first step in securing your creative journey, ensuring that your work is recognized, protected, and ready for the opportunities ahead.

About the Author
With a career that spans the intersection of art and technology, Andy Rosen is the co-founder and CEO of FileProtected.com. His journey began in London as a rock photographer covering the punk scene, working with iconic bands like The Sex Pistols and The Clash. Andy later moved to Los Angeles, where he founded The Underground, a talent management, production, and record label in partnership with Chris Blackwell founder of Island Records. Throughout his career, Andy has remained at the forefront of creative industries, blending entrepreneurial drive with artistic innovation. Linkedin

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